
Jaywalking, I am sure all of you have crossed the road in an area you should not have; gone outside the lines. Taken a risk of getting hit and breaking the rules. Everyone does it, right! The crosswalk was put in place to keep us safe. God’s cross, reminds us...
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Dare to Believe

Dare to Believe   We all want to be healed from whatever ails us. First we must figure out where to get healing. Some may go to the doctor, some to a personal trainer, etc. But, where do the doctors and professionals get their information? You may say they use...
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One step at a time

  I ran long distances for many years.  I was constantly battling my mind. My mind was telling me to stop; this is too painful. I chose to ignore the voice and forge forward. I knew that I could make it to the finish if I just concentrated on one...
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Does God Answer Prayers?

Does God Answer Prayers?   In Isaiah, King Hezekiah was told to get his house in order because he was going to die. King Hezekiah prayed, “Remember now, O LORD, I pray, how I have walked before You in truth and with a loyal heart, and have done what is...
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Return to sender; address Heaven

  Since my husband and father have died, I have had to write many letters explaining their deaths and managing financial matters. I would have loved to write one simple sentence on the outside of the envelope “Return to sender; address Heaven.” When your loved one dies the amount of...
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God is Patient

God is Patient   I was trimming my rose bushes and found they had black spot on them. One of the bushes looked like it already died. I trimmed it and put the disease killer fertilizer on it, hoping it will make a come back.   As I was nurturing...
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Marathon of Life

  We run here and there. However, are we running and training intentionally for the race of our life, for our eternal salvation.   We should treat our salvation and what God wants as if we are training for a Marathon. You may have only one shot, and the road may...
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Who is in Control?

Who is in Control?   God is in control. Then, we ask, “Why is there so much pain in the world?” God also gives us a free will to make choices. He wants us to ask for Him. There are so many promises of blessing for us if we only...
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Cherry Coating

  When I was growing up, all the medicine was cherry coated.   I still do not like anything that is a cherry flavor. Are you taking your medicine or declining it because of the flavor? The Lord wants to change us by giving us His perspective. Sometimes the medicine that...
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How Do We Sow Tears?

How Do We Sow Tears?   I would like to dissect a couple of verses in Psalms.   “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”  Psalm 126:5,6...
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