God Cares about the Details

God Cares about the Details   Have you ever lost your keys? I misplace mine occasionally and pray to God to help me find them. Then He gives me suggestions where to look after I have searched everywhere. He may even tell me where to look in a place I...
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Is Starbucks my church?

I went to New York last year and on every corner was a Starbucks coffee shop. Of course, I was as happy as could be. Was God fulfilling my heart’s desire?   Hmmm…White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha, Caramel Brule Latte, or Caramel Macchiato, oh what to choose… I thought this was...
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Loss of Finances

Loss of Finances   God wants all of us. He wants us to depend on Him completely. I am required by law to accept government assistance. If the economy goes sour and there are no funds left, I need to rely on God for His provision, which He has promised....
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Are you weathering the Storm?

I lived in Southern Maryland on the Potomac River for many years. I saw many storms come and go. I noticed that the piers that remained after a storm were the ones that were firmly grounded, pylons set deep and the upper boards that were distressed, beaten or weathered on...
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Are You Desperate for Healing?

Are You Desperate for Healing?   Are there things in your life that prevent your healing? Anything that is more important than God is an idol. Good things standing alone, such as your spouse, children, house, job, desire for material things, etc., are more important and coming between you and...
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Does God Want to Heal Me?

Does God Want to Heal Me?   Jesus never refused someone healing when they asked for it. Sometimes He would examine their faith before he healed, especially if they were Gentiles.   In Matthew 15:22-28, a woman comes to him and pleads for Him to have mercy on her daughter...
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Do you have a besetting sin?

  Do you have a besetting-sin?  We all have sinned, and we all want to be free from sin. Colossians 1:13 says, “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,” However, Satan is often at the gate...
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Keep your plug-in

This time of the year in Southern Maryland the majority of people are getting their boats ready to put in the water. I remember one year my husband and I worked hard to get our boat ready. We cleaned her up, got rid of the junk that had blown in...
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