What is Your Current Renovation Project?

What is Your Current Renovation Project?   There are many home renovation projects that are available to watch on television. Many times it consists of gutting the structure down to the bare studs in the house. Surprises are found in the walls such as wood rot, mold or even dangerous...
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Suffering with Christ

Suffering with Christ Many believe that Christians are naive and immature in their thought processes.  Some are!  I know this is a shocking statement.  God’s word says,”For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”  Note, it doesn’t say children or adults of God.   We are continually growing.  One...
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Holding on During the Storm

Holding on During the Storm   Once I was on a ferry boat during a big storm. The waves were over ten feet and those on shore didn’t expect us to make it back. As the boat would go up in the air and then slam down, I would go...
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The Message

I reached out to my mom tonight; she did not answer when I called. The call went directly into her voice mail, “Hi this is Wayne. Leave me a message and I will return your call.” My father’s voice left an emptiness in me and realization that it may be...
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Young in the Golden Years

Young in the Golden Years   Since personal information is shared so freely on the internet, my up coming birthday shows many years of experience. But, I am very young at heart and body as well. It is interesting as I clean out my spam folder on my email all...
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Who served the Lasagna?

I remember so many lasagnas and thinking I am not hungry. Everyone kept saying you have to eat.    My husband prematurely taken from me consumed me;  I retreated into my bedroom seeking solitude. I look back now and see God’s provision, and I praise Him.  God called in His...
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Protection and Security

Protection and Security   In this day of technology, everyone is looking for the best security protection for personal information. Cyber criminals are always looking to harm us in some way by stealing our personal information, whether it is financial, medical, knowledge of our belief system or political preference, or...
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Have you lengthened your dress lately?

  Have you lengthened your dress lately? What we see on the outside does not reflect the inside; especially when we are grieving.   For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? 1 Corinthians 2:11 NKJV Many people try and...
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Looking for Good Benefits?

Looking for Good Benefits?   When we seek employment we always want to know what the benefits of the job include. Many times they can outweigh the salary.   When we seek the Lord with all of our heart, He loads us with benefits. There are so many promises in...
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Lapses in Memory

I went on our website today to see when I have to post my next devotional, and I realized that I had forgotten. I am a month short of my third year anniversary of my husband’s death; my husband’s birthday and it would have been twenty-nine years of marriage this...
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