Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings   God poured out His blessings so much yesterday I could hardly stand it. After church the Holy Spirit told me to deliver a book to someone and it was 50 miles east of the church I attend. I live over 50 miles west of my church....
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What are you holding?

  I just returned from an overseas trip.   I was teaching administrators on servant leadership. To start the group off, I had the participants share about their life.   I noticed a trend amongst the leaders as they shared; they would either state they had a happy childhood or...
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Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Don’t Beat Yourself Up   There are times in our lives when tragedy can create movies in our mind that play over and over. In time, this repetition can be torturous. If we have lost a loved one, we may have a series of “what ifs” running through our mind....
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When my house burned down, I experienced a traumatic loss.  The loss was not from losing all my possession, my animals; it was more of losing my feeling of safety/security.   It was the realization that all could disappear in a moment. Eighteen years later I went through the same...
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Suffering Brings Lessons

Suffering Brings Lessons   We might as well face the fact that no one can go through this life and escape suffering. As I am pondering the losses I have experienced, I am wondering what my greatest lessons may be. First of all, I have not experienced anything that is...
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If you are a widow, when things break your stress level may go up. Your repair guy (loved one) may not be here to fix it. I normally cry out to the Lord and say, “Lord you are my husband now, your word says, “And my God will supply every...
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Do You Want Your Prison Doors Opened?

Do You Want Your Prison Doors Opened?   Many times the result of our losses can make us feel like we are in a prison; a prison of despair, depression, hopelessness, or misery. We can see that the apostles were put in prison because they were exhibiting God’s power, through...
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One with Him

  Is your heart one with the Lord? “But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” 1 Corinthians 6:17 Your heart may feel like it is far from the Lord right now.  Take comfort in knowing that He understands. However, we cannot be joined if...
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How Long is Forever?

How Long is Forever?   Can we comprehend the concept of “forever”? Everything we know has a beginning and an end. This makes it difficult for our minds to imagine God not having a beginning and an end.   When we put our trust in only God, and compare the...
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My Stronghold is stronger

My daughters and mom all get their nails done every other week. They fret when one breaks. They tend to reach for the superglue to prevent further tearing. Many reach for the superglue (anything outside of God’s word) when they are experiencing a loss trying to piece together their life....
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