Fairy Tales

  As a child I always wondered if fairy tales were true, I wanted reassurance that the evil creatures (dragons) were be defeated. Today, I look at the war I am in as a Christian, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against...
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When Will it End?

When Will it End?   When we experience the trails of life, we may feel like one trial comes after the other. I remember praying once, “Lord show me what you want me to learn from this experience so we can move along.” I laugh as I think about that...
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The Lords Word provides the answers

Last night I was able to sleep soundly. For the past three years, my sleep has been disturbed. Sometimes with a loss of a loved one, we lose other essential items for living (desire to eat, sleep, to do the things we enjoy, etc.). In my case it was sleep....
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What is the Cause of a Bad Relationship?

What is the Cause of a Bad Relationship?   We see many divorces today in our society. That amounts to much loss and trauma; not only for the married couple, but for the children and extended family as well. So, what causes a relationship to crumble?   We read in...
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Is an open door policy good?

Many of you have probably heard of the open door policy that businesses use.  It is meant to eradicate fear and be positive. However, the phrase is thrown around a lot and rarely demonstrated. Jesus said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and...
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Do You Have an Angel Watching Over You?

Do You Have an Angel Watching Over You?   The subject of angels can be tricky. Sometimes we can be tempted to worship angels, which can result in worship of the created rather than the Creator. But, God did create angels to protect us.   I had an appointment where...
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You can arm yourself against hopelessness

Are you plagued with thoughts that bring you to a hopeless state?  Does it seem like you have a black cloud of heaviness over you that will not leave? The Bible says, “since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who...
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What if I Don’t Trust God?

What if I Don’t Trust God?   Most of the devotionals that are posted here point to God’s healing power. So, when I was asked what to do if one does not believe in God, or trust Him for what He promises in His word, I was speechless. The reason...
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There is always room for Jello

  A loss can be difficult. However, God will provide priceless and loving memories during our walk with Him. This week the Lord reminded me that my husband would always say when it was time for desert, “there is always room for jello.” He would have a big childish grin...
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Joy in Tragedy?

Joy in Tragedy?   I have a wooden plaque that was a gift and the quote on it states, “I will sing unto the LORD, because He hath dealt bountifully with me. Psalm 13:6” It causes me to reflect on the tragedies in my life and how God carried me...
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