Should I cover my wound?

  An old wives tale says not to cover your wound.    Doctors say that you need to cover your wound.    What should you believe? A physical wound heals by the skin and body tissue repairing themselves after injury.   Depending on the condition of the wound and body...
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Do You Hear from God?

Do You Hear from God?   When we face the hard times of life, Jesus comes to us and gives us comfort. How does that happen? Some have heard an audio voice, and others hear a still small voice in their spirit. We need to be quiet to hear that...
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Fruit of the Womb

I remember the day that my oldest daughter was born.  It brings back good memories and some sorrow.  My husband, who is with the Lord now, was so calm that day.   I was scurrying around the house getting everything ready to go to the hospital.  He sat on the...
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Which Seeds Do We Keep?

Which Seeds Do We Keep?   When we face trauma it can stare back with hurt and bitterness. We may tend to shut everyone out of our lives and turn inward, only to be sucked down a tunnel of hopelessness and despair.   The root of bitterness can spring up...
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Spiritual Balance

Having a loss as a Christian may have us asking the question, how do I maintain a sense of peace and spiritual balance when trials strike?   The Bible says we should turn our eyes to Jesus. There is unshakeable peace for all who turn their eyes to Him. “Therefore, since...
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Have You Weeded Your Garden Lately?

Have You Weeded Your Garden Lately?   My yard has so many mini gardens in it that by the time I weed the first one and make my rounds back to it, the weeds have taken over again. I was thinking how we need to keep our spiritual gardens clean....
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Receiving His love

  Complete healing requires the release of our self-will and the receiving of God’s love. You may have a loss that is difficult to face. You may decide to ignore it, try to solve it yourself by looking for all the answers on the subject or turn to God and...
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Do We Allow God to Heal Us?

Do We Allow God to Heal Us?   There may be many different ways we need healing; physical, mental, or spiritual. But, do we really want to be healed? There may be sacrifices once we are healed, such as obedience or discipline. For example: God does not heal us from...
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God’s Love; who can understand it

  The Bible says, “May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully…” Eph 3:19 As you are going through your loss, remember God is refining you for His purpose, “See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in...
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Do You Know You are Special?

Do You Know You are Special?   When God created man, He made us special, with body, soul and spirit. He gave us a mind so we can reason and make choices in our life. We are so special that Jesus gave His life on the cross to break the...
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