New Beginnings

New Beginnings   As we look into a new year many make resolutions of change for the future. Usually by March of the year these resolutions are forgotten. But, when we want true change in our lives there is only one way to do it.   We cannot change our...
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Ten Steps to a good year

I am a planner and at the end of the year I like to set goals for the coming year. So here are my ten steps to a good year: Love God and your neighbor (Luke 10:27) Pray without ceasing (1 thess 5:17) Do God’s will (Mathew 6:10), not my...
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Are You in the Dark?

Are You in the Dark?   When we use the term, “in the dark,” we refer to not being informed about a situation. When it comes to a problem in life, and we are in the dark, not knowing how to handle the crisis, we can rely on the One...
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You were healed!

After my husband had died I had a stroke. The Lord has healed me from the stroke’s damage. I am standing on God’s word that says “who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes...
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What Can Grief Teach You?

What Can Grief Teach You?   For those who have been through the valleys that life can bring will usually tell you that they wouldn’t want to do it again, but they wouldn’t trade the experience for the wisdom that came out of the journey.   As you go through...
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The day after

As I think of the day after Christmas, it may feel anti-climatic. Many people head out to the stores to return gifts. I know that there is one gift that I will not need to return.  A gift filled with promises. “For God so loved the world that He gave...
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Christmas Cheer?

Christmas Cheer?   Maybe you didn’t have a mother who filled the kitchen with the smell of baking cookies in preparation for the Christmas celebration. Many have dealt with parents who were battling their own hurts and disappointments from Christmases past by resorting to substance abuse to deaden the pain....
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The heart of Christmas

It is that time of year again.   As I am listening to all the Christmas songs, one leaves an imprint on my soul.  “The heart of Christmas,” a couple of verses in particuliar, “I think of loved ones who’ve passed away And I pray they’re resting in a better...
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Holidays, Birthdays & Anniversaries

Holidays, Birthdays & Anniversaries   When we experience the loss of a loved one, it is always more difficult at the time of holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. I have two widow friends. One has a birthday on Christmas, the other’s husband passed away on Christmas day.   Whether we have...
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Which is more reliable?

  You may have been let down time and time again. Your trust may be dwindling. Your family and friends may not live up to their promises; doctors are unable to heal; your job may provide no growth, satisfaction or financial stability. No matter, you must decide what you are...
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