Nutrition for Life Extension

Nutrition for Life Extension   I opened my mail today to find a catalog addressed to my father-in-law who passed away five years ago. It was advertising “Life Extension” through the use of their vitamins and herbal remedies. I had to think that his life has already been extended into...
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How can I have Joy?

“Joy” a word that seems so distant when you are in the midst of grief. How can joy exist when your heart is breaking? Joy is a supernatural gift from God. Joy comes when we are aware of His grace and delight in His favor. It can only exist through...
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What is Your Priority?

What is Your Priority?   Our circumstances can shape our priorities. A woman who is engaged to be married may have all her attention towards planning a wedding. A student approaching graduation may have all eyes of passing examinations. There is nothing wrong with having goals and reaching for them....
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Fill your heart with God

When the Japanese mend broken objects, they magnify the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something has suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful.    If you have a broken heart, the most valuable thing you can fill it with is God....
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You Cannot Outrun Grief

You Cannot Outrun Grief   Running from grief, escaping by “keeping busy”, burying yourself in work or any form of “not thinking about it”, will catch up with you later and hit harder than before. Facing grief and going “through” it is the easy way in the long run.  ...
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Walking out your healing

When you have shut your feelings off for over forty years it is tough to feel and walk out the healing the Lord has for you. I read Psalm 19:12 today, “Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults.” I asked God to show me my hidden faults....
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How Simple: Only Ask

How Simple: Only Ask   Sometimes we want things so badly, but we actually forget to ask or make our wants known. God always knows our needs before we have them, but He wants us to ask Him for His help so we can acknowledge from where our help comes....
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Do you have a case?

Do you have a lawsuit going on as a result of a loss (death, divorce, job, or health)?   if so, there may be  mixed feelings.   On the one hand you may feel that justice is being served, and on the other, a bag of mixed emotions confront you....
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Always Present

Always Present   When our burdens seem so overwhelming, God is always present whether we can “feel” Him or not. He has promised to be our protector when we trust Him, and tells us in Isaiah:43:2:   “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through...
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