Trenches of Life

The trench was filled.  I looked down and envisioned all that would be crawling in it and came to the realization that I would be soon as well. Life’s challenges are filled with trenches.  We can crawl through anything with the Lord. “Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the...
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Loss of Conflict

It is miserable to have conflict within; when your mind tosses a thought over and over until the idea becomes monumental. It is such a joy for me to discover a place where I could put those thoughts and lose them. When I trust God for my every need, He...
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A Memorial Day to remember

He served in the Lord’s Army.  A year ago, a Jewish man who had lost his son to Suicide while serving in the Army went into Cardiac arrest.  I was there.  God had me pray for resurrection, and after thirty minutes this man was brought back to life.  He was...
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Feeling Unloved

At times we can feel like no one loves us, even God. But God loves us more than we can comprehend. He knows every detail about us; more than anyone on earth could ever know, including ourselves. “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear...
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Present danger

We can never be defeated if we are walking with the Lord.  It is when we have an enemy inside, that is when we face a challenge, it is a present danger.   God delivers us from our enemies, not our friends. “Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You?...
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Loss of Fear

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could just throw away fear when it comes our way? When I am afraid I forget who is in control of every situation in my life. When I come back to the reality that God will work out all in His will for my...
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Loss of memory

Many lose their memory as they age to various causes.  Not being able to connect to the past may bring frustration and depression. God’s word says, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your...
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When I was expressing my concerns to her, my aunt told me, “When this is over, there is always something else.” She gave me a new perspective.  Everyone has troubles and concerns. The question is: “How are we going to handle it?” “Give ear O LORD, to my prayer; and...
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Tie yourself to the Lord

The old feelings of numbness came back.  I could not connect with my emotions.  It was graduation day; my girls were graduating from college and my husband’s absence was evident.  When you have experienced a trauma, and are confronted with a major event in your life, it may trigger a...
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It is Our Loss when We Do Not Ask

At times I have read a contract that I have for a service and realized that I was not using all the benefits that I was entitled. It is the same when we give our lives completely to Jesus; there are so many blessings, but sometimes we do not ask....
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