Taken out of the picture

Some people choose never to have pictures taken of themselves. It is as if they have been taken out of the picture of life. Is it because they don’t like what they see or what others may see? Loss of self-image can become a faceless problem. But we all, with...
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Experiencing Loss before Your Loved One Dies

When an aging parent or loved one changes and you watch them deteriorate slowly, maybe not even recognizing who you are, can be very devastating. It takes great compassion to care for someone that may not always be kind; not because they don’t want to be kind, but because their brain...
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Not allowed to grieve?

Some people do not allow you to grieve.  I have a family member that I can’t cry around.  They get very upset when I cry. I have discussed this with them and asked them permission to grieve, and they say of course.  Yet, they still have not come to accept...
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Do You Feel like You are Drowning?

Sometimes the pressures of life can be so overwhelming that we feel like we are drowning. There seems to be no way out of our terrible circumstances. Discouragement and depression follow. But, God, in His word promises to provide every need we have. Sometimes we have needs that we do...
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Power is Important

As I was using my leaf blower to move many leaves, I noticed it had 240hp. It is also electric, so I do not have to continue to refill it with gas when I am working for six hours at a time. I was thinking how important it is to...
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Enlighten our hearts Lord

“Michelle, how do I become saved?”  My Dad spoke these words three months before he passed away.   I was astounded, he was a well-educated man with an MBA and he had read the entire Bible, yet the basic answer had eluded him. The enemy sometimes steals the most basic information,...
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A day to remember

  I am thankful to still have my mother with me. Even though she totters when she walks without her walker, or forgets things occasionally, I’m privileged to serve her as she ages. Many of my friends have mothers that have passed away, and even some this past year. When...
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He provides all in His promises

God has already given us everything we are going to need to live an abundant life.  We have received this just by accepting Jesus, it not of works.  Some may ask why has He done this? The answer is in the promises.  “By his divine power, God has given us...
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Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper   I was using my leaf blower to clear a path in the wooded part of my property that had been neglected. The leaves were a foot deep and took a long time to move them. As I removed layer by layer I discovered a wonderful surprise under...
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