How Important is Faith?

How Important is Faith?   We all have faith in something. Some people have faith that nothing will go well for them. It is important to have faith in God. When we trust God with all of our heart there are many benefits. One of the most powerful results of...
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Negative feelings

Don’t allow negative feelings to control your actions or reactions.  Right now God is the only one that knows what you are feeling and going through.  He is the only one that can give you peace for your today and tomorrow. “A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise...
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Power of Forgiveness

Power of Forgiveness Each of us has a decision whether we will forgive. Many people are in a prison of unforgiveness thinking they have power by not forgiving. But when we forgive, we break out of that prison that binds us to the one who has hurt us. Unforgiveness is...
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He is my Father

My Dad was always there to pick me up; give me sound advice; occasionally he ministered tough love; and, gave me that special hug.  I know it has been a while since we have spoken, and my heart aches with that knowledge. On this Father’s day, I don’t  have my...
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The Secret to Peace

The Secret to Peace In the times we live it seems there is so much drama in the lives of people. So, how do we control that drama so that it does not impact our well being? The secret is walking, talking and thinking things that are pleasing to God....
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No Wake Zone

I saw the sign up ahead, “No Wake Zone.”  I slowed down as I entered the protected area. The waters roughness and waves ceased.  Peace set in as I could hear the sweet sound of His voice. “He calms the storm, so that its waves are still.  Then they are...
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Are You Anxious?

Are You Anxious? If you are short on anxiety, just listen to the world news. But, when we truly understand that God is above all and more powerful than any man or evil, we can have security in knowing that God’s word is true. When we read God’s word it...
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What am I going to do now?

What am I going to do now?  Many ask this question after they have experienced a job loss, death in the family, health loss, divorce, etc. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give...
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God Wants Us to be Desperate for Him

God Wants Us to be Desperate for Him I have heard more than one person tell me that they grew the most spiritually when they were in the valley of life. Hard times either make us cling to the Lord or rebel against Him. But those who profess to have...
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What do I say?

If you know someone that has just had a loss, then you may be wondering, “what do I say?” What may be good advice for one person, may be inappropriate for another. It is best to rely on the Holy Spirit. If you don’t, you could hear your friends say,...
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