Why Do You Feel Inferior?

Why Do You Feel Inferior? Many have grown up in families that were not ideal. If your parents have divorced it may be hard for you to have any hope of experiencing the true love that God wants you to experience. Maybe the words of bullies are ringing through your...
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It’s my birthday, should I be happy?

  Birthdays may not be so joyful when you don’t have the special someone to share them with.   I have been going through the last few years with dread as my birthday would approach.  I knew my heart was going to be so grieved. This year I decided that I...
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We are Not Alone

We are Not Alone Before Jesus left this earth, He told His disciples (and a message for us today) that we would have trouble on this earth. But, He would never leave us or forsake us. If you feel like you have been forsaken, God is still with you and...
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What does God want me to do?

Loss may trigger confusion and you may be wondering what God wants you to do. God wants us to commit everything to Him (Prov 16:3).  There are certain things that He desires us to take action on. Humble ourselves (James 4:10) Preserver/endure (James 5:7-8, 1:12) Obey the Lord and keep...
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Jesus is Always Faithful

Jesus is Always Faithful As the anniversary approaches of the passing of my dear husband, I recall when he collapsed in front of me. I cried out, “Jesus, heal him!” Others surrounded me with prayer. When we arrived at a distant hospital hours later, the ER cardiologist said he has...
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Don’t worry be happy

As I was thinking about all that I have going on in my life, I was reminded of the song, “Don’t worry be happy.”  Catchy lyrics with a message, a message that the Bible promotes as well. God wants us to have joy no matter the circumstances, “…and rejoice in hope...
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Too Much at One Time

As I was pulling my weeds today I found that if I pulled up one at a time I could get the entire root. When I tried to get a handful the weeds broke off at the ground level. When I pray and ask God to forgive me for everything,...
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Sleep where are you?

  Where is my sleep?  It eludes, it hides. My body aches to find it. My mind wonders with no result. Deep inside are the answers… Who can dig them out? “The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the innermost parts of his being.” Proverbs...
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How Deep is Your Root?

As I was working in my garden, pulling weeds, there was a small little weed. I tried pulling it out to get all of the roots, but it didn’t budge. I took my new shovel and started to dig to get to the bottom of the root. It was almost...
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Secret Places

Trauma, depression and various other losses can cause a person to disassociate, disconnect and go into their own world.  God wants to heal those inward parts, the secret places that only He knows about. “But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the...
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