Combating Mind Terror

Combating Mind Terror   Praise all day and keep the devil away. When we praise God the enemy cannot stand and He flees. James 4:7,8a, tells us, “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to...
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Loss of friends

Losses such as divorce, death, and health may drive your friends away from you; creating a further loss. The culprit may be the lack of understanding and the ability to help. “You have put away my acquaintances far from me; You have made me an abomination to them; I am shut...
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Do You Have Fear?

Do You Have Fear?   Today we hear so many things that can bring fear. There are threats of war, diseases and many things that trouble us. But, when we realize the safest place to be is in the presence of the Lord and doing His will in our lives,...
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Not my plan

Have you had your heart set on something all your life and then everything changes? It is not in your plan. It may be in the Lord’s plan. He uses what is broken to fulfill His purposes. “Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us....
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Does God hear me?

A loss may make you doubt if anyone hears your prayers. Affliction of the soul seeks comfort, peace and a friend. God wants you to reach out to him for answers and hope. “But to You I have cried out, O’Lord, And in the morning my prayer comes before You.”...
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Can You Bless Others?

Can You Bless Others?   Many of us have been in circumstances where a boss or someone did not like us for anything we have done wrong, but just didn’t like us to the point of slander and getting us fired from our job. Our heart requires healing after such...
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Non-recoverable loss, at least I thought

The school called the house and reported that one of my children had allowed someone to look at their paper during a test. I was shocked. My husband was gone, and I was left alone to handle the issue. I wanted to make sure that our discussion would leave a...
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Are You Willing to Change?

Are You Willing to Change?   There are many promises in God’s word, but there is one thing we must do; believe. God has given us free will to make the decision to be for Him or against Him.   When we encounter trauma we need to go to the...
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Miscarriage, a loss of control

Miscarriage, when I heard these words, I was devastated. Our first hope of a child. My husband and I tried for almost a year to get pregnant again. My heart sank every time I checked the pregnancy test, and it did not show positive results. It was a constant reminder...
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