Many Experience Hunger

Many Experience Hunger   We can listen to current events and realize there are many starving in this world today. There are two kinds of hunger; physical and spiritual. It is so devastating for parents when they cannot provide enough food for their little children. But when we study the...
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Are you spending your time wisely?

How you spend your time is important when you are healing from a loss. Whether you have a loss of health, death or an end to a relationship. You can entwine yourself with matters that are frivolous, or you can do what God desires, and that is to walk through...
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Who Weeds Your Garden?

Who Weeds Your Garden?   I have so much fun pulling weeds as the Lord gives me so many examples of spiritual truth. After a dry spell it is very hard to pull the weeds and get the roots. So, I take my watering can and water the ground to...
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What does the Lord say about abuse?

You may be being abused in a variety of ways, verbally, physically or emotionally. “The Lord replies, “I have seen violence done to the helpless, and I have heard the groans of the poor. Now I will rise up to rescue them, as they have longed for me to do.””...
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Do You Want a Quick Fix?

Do You Want a Quick Fix?   Usually when we think of a quick fix it is only temporary; not a lasting solution. As I was pulling weeds in the extreme heat for several hours, I saw many more weeds and hours to go. So, I pulled out my weedwacker...
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Let’s be honest

Let’s be honest, we all struggle. How we handle what we struggle with is more important than the area of burden. God wants us to rely on Him. When we don’t take our burden to Him, we are saying, “God I don’t think you can handle this problem.” “Come to...
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God fills voids

“I knew he was not right for me. However, I longed to stay connected.” I heard these words from a friend who had just broken up with her boyfriend. So many people stay in relationships trying to fill a void. God wants to fill the void, the gap. When you...
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Stubborn Weeds!

Stubborn Weeds!   It has rained very little over the past two weeks. I went to pull weeds from my much neglected flower beds when I realized I had stubborn weeds. It made me think how easily they were pulled up after a rainy season.   I thought about the...
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What we choose can drive us into a loss, a loss of opportunity. Take all to God and let him determine the plan and what He would like you to do. “I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Your ordinances before me. Let Your hand be ready to...
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