Can One Little Weed Hurt?

Can One Little Weed Hurt?   As I look at my driveway, the weeds have taken over and I can hardly see any rocks. Now I know why my late husband was putting weed killer on the rocks a couple of weeks after open heart surgery.   I tried to...
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Loss of innocence

If you have lost your innocence, you may be trying to ignore the awful pain that you are going through. The thoughts and pictures that may be going through your head may be more than you can bare. The worst thing you can do right now is put up a...
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Fear Can be Paralyzing

Fear Can be Paralyzing   Many times when people have experienced trauma, they live in a world of fear. Trust flies out the window. So, if we believe in Jesus as the Lord of our life, how can we let go of fear?   If we experience bad things happening...
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Suicide Plan

Many attempt suicide, along with the attempt could come a variety of losses. Loss of friends, credibility, hope, stability, trust, security, sanity, family, identity, etc. This is not God’s plan for you. His plan is to give you hope, peace, joy and love. “For I know the thoughts that I...
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What is a Friend?

What is a Friend?   When I lived in Germany, I learned that German people only have one or two friends over a lifetime. They considered most people acquaintances. But, I was informed that we Americans considered everyone we know as a friend.   Jesus said, “Greater love has no...
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Time lost

Time, it is word that comes with a picture. We have good times, bad times and times that have been lost. When you lose someone, you have lost a future with them on this earth. We often wonder what would have been. “For I consider that the sufferings of this...
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Roadblocks   When we are calling out to God and it feels like our prayers are hitting the ceiling, there are possibly roadblocks. What are possible roadblocks? Has fear become a friend that we don’t want to let go? Or are we so busy with making money, friends, or just...
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You may be facing many changes right now. As a result of losing your job, home, family, love one or another loss. How you handle the loss is critical. You may not understand why you are going through this. However, scripture says we need to “Trust in him at all...
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I Don’t Feel Like Praising

I Don’t Feel Like Praising   When we give something out of our need instead of abundance, it is called a sacrifice. Often, if we are facing difficult times, the last thing we feel like doing is giving God praise. When we love, we give even when we don’t feel...
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Cleaning up

As I was on my fourth day of painting at my daughters house and the paint felt glued to my body, I reflected upon how God cleans us up. He washes away all the stains with His Word. If only the paint would come off so easily. “that He might...
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