
Bullying What is bullying? I would say, it is a process of trying to make a person feel inferior, never fitting in with the people who are bullying, and basically trying to destroy one’s reputation; even physically through mental torment. Jesus experienced bullying when He was on earth, so it...
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Let Him be your fear

There are so many things these days that may cause fear: Shooting, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, and of course conspiracy, after conspiracy. What are we to do? “Do not say, ‘A conspiracy,’ Concerning all that this people call a conspiracy, Nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled. The Lord of hosts,...
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What Not to Wear

What Not to Wear If I am not mistaken, there is a reality program on television with this title. It starts with someone nominating a friend that needs a new wardrobe because they do not know how to dress appropriately. A team approaches the person with a large amount on...
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How strong is your thread?

A friend of mine enlightened me one day to the world of the fashion industry. I never paid much attention to brands. So, as she said, “Do you know why I buy name brand clothes?” I waited patiently for the answer, that I assumed was going to be served up...
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Designer God?

Designer God? I was talking with someone about designer pocketbooks. She was telling me which designers were on top and had desirable products with their name shown somewhere on the merchandise. I started to think about designer religions. Do we design God to be who we want Him to be,...
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Watch what you trust

A loss brings uncertainty and may make you question who and what you trust. Be careful, that what you trust doesn’t pierce you! “ Look! You are trusting in the staff of this broken reed, Egypt, on which if a man leans, it will go into his hand and pierce it....
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Do You Have Empty Pockets?

Do You Have Empty Pockets? It seems that sometimes when we save up our money and try to get ahead, something happens to take our money away. It could be a car repair, doctor bills, a major house repair, or a loss of income. How do we view our finances?...
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He cheers for us!

For many years I went to basketball games at the high school. Not because my daughters played basketball, but because they were on the cheerleading squad. A cheerleader is an encourager; one who tries to set the tone for the team and get them back on track. We all need...
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Fire Alarm!

Fire Alarm! I was visiting my mother, and her guest had something that was making the skin in her leg turn black. She said she was going to have tests done for a blockage in her veins. The Lord wanted to heal her that day, and asked me to pray...
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What is the world coming to?

What is the world coming to? I have heard this saying for many years and have not really considered the meaning. The one who speaks these words is a miss of the decay of a land that once was deemed beautiful and fruitful. The Lord speaks these words as well,...
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