Rearview Mirror

Rearview Mirror One day I was driving an hour long drive on a two lane road. A car came up behind me and kept following me very closely. It makes me very uncomfortable when people tailgate me. I could see the man clearly in my rearview mirror, and the driver...
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Are you being oppressed?

I had just finished speaking at the nursing home. I got in my car and started driving down the street and noticed that the Transmission failure light came on. I prayed for God to take care of the car. After my next stop, I noticed that someone hit my car....
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Feeling Old and Discarded?

Feeling Old and Discarded? In our western society we often see the elderly as a strain on society in finances and our time and energy. There is no longer an attitude of high esteem as we look at, but do not realize, wisdom and experience. But, God’s word provides hope...
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When the storm stops for you

I was finally on vacation, laying on a beach and the wind was blowing so hard that the sand was pelting us. I prayed a small prayer for God to stop the sand from blowing. A couple of minutes later it started to rain. The people around us packed up...
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What is Love?

What is Love? We feel loved when we experience someone putting us before their own concerns. The willingness to die for someone is a sure sign of love. When I was dating, I wanted a man who would love me like Christ loved the church, and the Lord answered that...
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Where do you get your comfort?

Where do you get your comfort? I woke up early this morning. It was still dark outside. I said, Oh God can you just hold me. Next thing I knew, I saw Jesus and a hand being extended out to me. Come he said. As I proceeded to go toward...
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Is God Dead?

Is God Dead? The fact is: God is not dead, whether we want to believe it or not. But we need to take it into consideration, that if God is not dead, then Satan is not dead. Satan, our enemy is alive and well. We need to be aware, because...
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Nailed Down

Nailed Down Have you ever heard the expression “Everything is nailed down.” It is secure, it is finished, complete, you don’t have to worry about a thing, and no more work is needed. The work that Jesus did on the cross was nailed down by faith, hope, and love. “And...
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Are You Plagued with Loneliness?

Are You Plagued with Loneliness? Sometimes loneliness can attack us when we have lost a spouse to death, or we have an empty nest when the children are grown and gone. It is also possible to be lonely in a large group of people. We all need a sense of...
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I’ll buy him! I heard these words coming out of my mouth as I looked at this pitiful looking puppy. He was scrawny, malnourished, and had a hump on his back. I looked at the other puppy who looked healthy. I prayed to the Lord silently. Are you sure Lord?...
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