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Suffering Brings Lessons

Suffering Brings Lessons


We might as well face the fact that no one can go through this life and escape suffering. As I am pondering the losses I have experienced, I am wondering what my greatest lessons may be. First of all, I have not experienced anything that is unique. I have learned that I can listen to people with empathy. I can share how I have come out on the other side as a person who can function, be joyful and have peace.


The most important thing that has brought me through is walking, not alone, but hand in hand with Jesus. He has promised us that He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). But He never said we would be problem free.


“…man is born to trouble, as sparks fly upward.”  Job 5:7  NKJV


“This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word has given me life.”

Psalm 119:50  NKJV


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