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Reflection Brings Understanding

Reflection Brings Understanding


As I ponder four years ago and it was the last day of our honeymoon; my new husband and I had our whole future ahead of us. That day, December 7, I had no idea my dear husband would pass on to eternity seven months later on July 7.


As I reflect on the wonderful time we had everyday of our married life, I have to give thanks to God for the wonderful man He put in my life. He blessed me in so many ways; a fantastic sister-in-law, two kind and caring sons, and three more grandchildren. I will see my dear husband again some day, but in the mean time I will enjoy the blessings he left behind.


“Whoever is wise will observe these things [His blessings], and they will understand the lovingkindness of the LORD.”  Psalm 107:43  NKJV

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