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Shopping for a Husband

Shopping for a Husband


As I pondered on the many relationships that a friend of mine has had, it made me wonder why some people seem to choose the wrong partner. There are many variables to answer this question, but one thing came to mind.


When a godly woman is looking for a godly man, the first thing she should be is truly godly. We can only attract a spiritually mature man if we are also mature. It occurred to me to ask the gentlemen caller about a Bible verse. Observe his Bible. Does it look used? And if it is new, ask him if he has another one. If he can’t find his Bible, you may have an imposter.


The most effective way to find the man that God has for you is to ask God. He will show you the right one. If you are dating someone, but there seems to be something not exactly right, and you can’t put your finger on it, ask God. He will reveal it to you.


“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?”

II Corinthians 6:14  NKJV

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