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Loss of Perfection

Loss of Perfection


Have you ever tried to be perfect? The anxiety that perfectionism brings can be so great that it can affect our lives in many ways; relationships (expecting others to be perfect as well), health (anxiety can cause many health problems) or even self-worth (“because I cannot be perfect I am a failure”).


Maybe your incentive was to please someone you loved; maybe that someone was Jesus. Many people think they have to be perfect before they even attend a place of worship. Jesus became perfect for us so we can come to Him just as we are. When we come to Jesus with a heart that is pure, wanting only to please Him, wanting to change the direction we have been going, wanting forgiveness, He will stand with open arms. He is pure love.


He gives us the Holy Spirit to live in us and to change the attributes of our lives. He makes us clean by the washing of the blood He shed for us on the cross, and we become part of God’s family. He promises never to leave us through our traumas in life. We are perfect in God’s eyes through the shed blood of Jesus. Because Jesus came back to life after He died, He overcame death. When we become one of His children, we live beyond this body that will die.


“…Christ in you, the hope of glory.                              Colossians 1:27  NKJV

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