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Change the Fuse and Switch on the Light

Change the Fuse and Switch on the Light

When I was young, our house had a fuse box. When the fuse would blow, the lights went out. Now the fuse boxes have been exchanged with circuit breakers. No matter the case, if there is no connection through fuse or breaker, there is no power.

When we accept Jesus to make Him Lord of our lives, we need to maintain the connection. The second step is flipping the switch on the wall to allow the power to work. We, as believers, should not be sitting in the dark, but our Light, the Holy Spirit, is in us and should be shinning brightly.

“…but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”                 II Peter 1:21b  NKJV

We can be moved by the Holy Spirit to speak a word, but if we do not open our mouth we have squelched the power. Turn on the light!

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