Where is Help?

Where is Help? When we need help, real help, where do we go? Do we go to the government, our logic, our best friend, a credit card, or some other source? God is our provider and He will take care of us, if we seek Him first. Man is fallible...
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Whose to blame?

Society is continuously looking for someone to blame. Just turn on the news and you can see the treachery. Where does this stem from? A temptation of a fallen man? The first blame in the Bible came out of the words of Adam. “Then the man said, “The woman whom...
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Anniversaries Anniversaries are generally a day that you recall something special that happened and it calls for a celebration. But, what if that anniversary is one that commemorates a tragedy, such as the loss of a loved one? I recently had an anniversary with mixed emotions; my fifth wedding anniversary,...
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When friends hurt us

When friends hurt us. David knew the hurt of a friend, “God will exalt you in due time, For it is not an enemy who reproaches me; Then I could bear it. Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me; Then I could hide from...
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Appropriate to be Angry?

Appropriate to be Angry? “And He [Jesus] entered the synagogue again, and a man was there who had a withered hand. So they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him. And He said to the man who had the withered...
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The Best gifts

When I heard someone say that the best gifts are on the lower shelves, I must stoop down I thought that won’t be too difficult as I am already low to the ground (4’11”). But are we really low? Have we humbled ourselves as God has called us to do?...
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Healing with Confidence

Healing with Confidence When we experience trauma and ask the Lord for healing, He answers, because that is His will. He has come to heal the brokenhearted. He wants us to be healed in every way, soul, body and spirit. So, when we ask Him for healing, we can ask...
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Leaving behind, what is behind

We are called at a certain point in our journey through our loss to move forward. Leaving behind what is behind can be potentially another loss. However, God says, get out of the boat, trust me. “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do,...
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Do You Believe in Recycling?

Do You Believe in Recycling? We have become conscious of waste, and in that consciousness we tend to recycle many things. But, there are those who believe that we can recycle our soul. I was reading one day in God’s word and it struck me that it is impossible to...
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Self preservation

As we are coming into the Last Days, we see lawlessness abounding; one world Governments; and, currencies emerging. Many are focusing on self-preservation. Preservation is the act of keeping something in a steady state or protecting it. What does God desire us to do? “And because lawlessness will abound, the...
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