Technical Identity?

Technical Identity? How do we see our identity in the future? Transhumanism is becoming a household word. If you are not familiar with the word, you will be soon. As we have already seen how computers have helped our soldiers who have come back from war with missing limbs, we...
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Accusations are a curse that one speaks upon another. The words have power and consequences. Accusations show that the heart is full of resentment and bitterness. “Then she told him this story: “That Hebrew slave you brought us came to me to make sport of me.” Genesis‬ ‭39:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬ “Joseph’s...
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Follow? In our society, what do we follow? Is it the latest fashion, techie toy, political correctness, a quest for power? There are many things we could follow, but what about people? Jesus said, “Follow Me.” He told the disciples as he approached them, “Follow Me”. Jesus wants action, not...
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Where did cloud nine go?

Where did cloud nine go? Have you lost cloud nine? Has the joy you once had disappeared? Have you asked God? Who stole your joy? There several ways to lose your joy, but the primary is turning from the Lord. When we are in Him, we are complete; and being...
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Is the Light On or Off?

Is the Light On or Off? When we turn on lights we can see clearly. When we turn the lights off it is dark and we can see nothing. When we are in darkness, we are deceived because we cannot see clearly. Jesus warned many times for us to watch...
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Are you being deceived?

The enemy is the deceiver. Do not be fooled that you can outsmart him. If you believe this, you are already deceived. The only way you can combat the enemy is to be unified with the Lord, The Lord of Heaven’s armies. “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose...
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Thank ???

Thank ??? In the United States, we have recently celebrated a day of Thanksgiving. It is a national holiday that seems to be slipping away. This day was set aside to thank God for all of His provisions. But it is trendier to thank each other and leave God out...
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That day

That day Can we prepare for “that day.” You know the day that sweeps the air out of your lungs, and you drop to your knees. The day when you hear that you have lost a family member, job or you have health issues. Can we be prepared? I look...
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Do You Know God?

Do You Know God? Sometimes we think we know someone because we have seen them in videos or read about them. We have never actually talked to them, but we are so familiar with them, that we think we know them. This is a “head” knowledge, not an experiential knowledge....
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Are you missing the target?

Four years ago, after my husband died, God gave me this verse, “Until now you have asked nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.” John 16:24. I prayed for 17 years fervently. My prayers were for my family. However, I...
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