Faith and Thankfulness

Faith and Thankfulness When Jesus healed people, He usually asked them to do something active to prove their healing. He also wants us to thank Him when He heals us, because that brings glory to Him. “Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were...
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Fire Drills

I remember the fire drills in middle school, we took them very seriously. We knew when the alarms sounded it was for our safety, we did not need to fear. We just needed to obey the teacher and follow directions he provided. Are we listening to the fire drills today?...
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Do You Want Blessings?

Do You Want Blessings? I would say most of us would prefer a blessing on our life rather than a curse. Jesus made it very simple to how we can live a blessed life. “But He said, ‘More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and...
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Life is not fair!

Have you ever spoken these words? If so, you were probably in the midst of a tragedy. When my husband was killed, many friends and family spoke these words. What must be remembered is that we do not have the whole picture before us. Only God knows the plan and...
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Do You Have a Question?

Do You Have a Question? I asked the Lord a question and did a Bible search to find the answer. After reading several passages in the scriptures I still was not sure of the answer. So, I asked the Lord to show me. He told me to look at the...
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Self Controlled

Today society emphasis self…self…self. What does God want? He wants us to turn over all to Him; put our hope in Him. This requires your will to give up “self.” “So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come...
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The Courts of Heaven

The Courts of Heaven If we really think about it, there are courts in heaven that have righteous judgment. God is the God of truth; His judgments are based on all of the facts, and He rules justly in His Kingdom. “Give to the LORD the glory due His name;...
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Turn and live!

Are you struggling with health issues? Are you looking for answers? The Bible is clear on how to live: repent, turn and do not continue to sin, get a new heart and get a new spirit. If you do this, it will be well with you. “…says the Lord God....
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Do We Really Want Help?

Do We Really Want Help? There are so many people suffering from traumatic events in their lives, seeking for solace, peace and understanding. When we seek God’s word, He provides it all. But, there are some who reject wanting things to change in their lives, and only want sympathy. I...
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Who do you trust?

When you are a widow, you get a lot of advice. The question is, who do you trust? I recently needed work done on my car. My neighbor recommended where to get the car fixed. I considered it and then checked with the Lord. God said, ‘no’ and He provided...
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