Boy Scout Motto: Always Be Prepared

Boy Scout Motto: Always Be Prepared How can we be prepared if we do not know the future? Do we know what will happen to us? Do we know in advance about a car accident, a life threatening disease, the unexpected death of a loved one, or some violent act...
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It is already done! Receive!

Many are touting if you take this wonder food, your cancer will be healed, or if you take this medicine all your problems will go away. Why are people so apt to believe a wonder drug, that most likely has not been tested; over God’s healing that has already been...
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Crossroads of Life

Crossroads of Life My granddaughter is turning 21 years old today. I was there to witness her birth and now she is a responsible young woman. She is pursing her studies to make her dreams come true, and she has made her decision to follow Jesus. This age is a...
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At what point do we let go?

Many wonder but don’t ask the question, at what point do we let a loved one go? I know with my own father the question crossed my mine. But I did not dare ask. I knew my father’s wishes; and they were not to prolong his life when there was...
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A Healing Word

A Healing Word Our words are so important. They can build up or tear down. And God has impressed on me lately to be conscious of the affect my words have on people. Sometimes the power of God’s word is underestimated. His word can change lives, it is life itself...
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Root Killer; a time and money saver

I received a call from my daughter a couple of days ago. Her expression of panic grabbed me through the phone. I was surprised by my state of calmness. My daughter was exclaiming that sewer was coming into her shower. I knew this wasn’t a good sign. She said what...
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Catch those Gnats!

Catch those Gnats! They say you can catch more flies with honey. I have been experiencing an outbreak of gnats. I checked out the internet and it suggested setting out a bowl of vinegar to attract them. They are supposed to be drawn to rotting smells. After many days of...
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Experiencing Loss through Kidnapping

Experiencing Loss through Kidnapping A parent’s worse nightmare is having their child kidnapped. But many people have faced this devastating experience. When your loved one dies, at least you have their body. But, how do you put things to rest when you don’t know if your child is dead or...
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Are you hiding?

Are you hiding? I know it may sound like a strange question. Kids hide, right. Well so do adults and they may not even realize they are hiding. When a trauma strikes, some people cut off parts of their heart to survive, this is a self-protection mechanism. Unfortunately, a barrier...
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