Power of the Tongue

Power of the Tongue   When we speak, we can say things that will lift people up, make them smile or feel on top of the world. On the other hand, I am sure we have all experienced in our childhood at one time when someone said something to us...
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Being still

Do you have a problem being still? Society today goes from doing one thing to the next. We live such busy lives. As a result, many people have anxiety. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14

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Driving Fear

Driving Fear   When we face trauma it may be something we have never experienced before. And trauma often leads to fear. The question is: what kind of fear do you have? Do you have fear that will drive you to God, or fear that drives you to your own...
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Have you ever noticed a child who has fallen and their anxiety level . Where do they turn? When all feels like it is crashing in; God’s word is your stability, stronghold. “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Psalm...
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Not Taking the Bait

Not Taking the Bait   I have encountered a few mice in my house recently. I assume they are coming in to keep cool, as in the winter they want to be warm.  I set some traps, but the mice do not take the bait. I thought, maybe they are...
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The fine line

There is a fine line between hope and hopelessness. The line I speak of is the one that was drawn at the cross. It was drawn with much grief, yet such hope. “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood...
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‘Til Death Do You Part

‘Til Death Do You Part   After I watched my wedding video, I began to think. It has been four and a half years since my wedding, but I have been a widow for four years. I started to ponder on those words, “’Til death do you part’ and thought...
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Loss, a four letter word that cuts to the heart; to the core of our being. God sees the anguish. He knows our hearts. “My heart is in turmoil and cannot rest; Days of affliction confront me.” Job 30:27. It is only through His strength can we be made whole...
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Is it Worth Waiting?

Is it Worth Waiting?   As I was washing my white top that had a stain on it, I sprayed it with a reputable stain cleaner. In the past the cleaner did not work to my expectations. So, I decided to read the directions. It suggested leaving the stain remover...
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Are you speaking poorly of yourself? If so, every time you condemn yourself, you are condemning Him. Hebrew word for condemn is Rasha. It means to be wicked, act wickedly. Jesus death on the cross shouts out, not guilty. “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ...
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