Do You Need a Mediator?

Do You Need a Mediator?   I have heard of mediators used in divorce proceedings to help in division of property when two parties do not agree. There may be other times for mediators, such as family disagreements or other court procedures.   We all need a mediator when it...
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What does God see in us?

As I walked over a worn penny in the parking lot, God said, “do you see that coin?”  I said, yes Lord, it is not identifiable.  He said, “but it is still worth something. ” He went on to say, “a lot of my children are like this, not identifiable,...
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Only Jesus Heals, Not Time

Only Jesus Heals, Not Time This is the forth anniversary of the passing of my beloved husband. As I sit in the house that we shared only 7 months, I mourn the gradual loss of his memory of being here, as I have been here 4 years without him. God...
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Do you have the fullness of God?

Only through His presence can we have the fullness of God.  We must open our heart to receive Him.  Many believe that when they are saved that is it.  There is more.  God wants you to receive His precious gift that goes beyond understanding.  Many receive the gift and put it...
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No Other Place to Look

No Other Place to Look   People are always searching for something; something to give peace, contentment and joy. I have faced many valleys in my life, but I have always relied on Jesus to carry me through to the other side. He never promised us a life without sorrow,...
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Independence Day – Are you starting over?

Are you starting over?  When you step forward from a loss, you are in essence starting over. Our forefathers understood this as they left Britain and searched for a new way of life.  They left their jobs, home, families, churches, and country. John Adams said independence day, “will be the...
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Have You Been Healed?

Have You Been Healed?   I have heard numerous testimonies of people who have been healed; physically, emotionally and spiritually. I have also been healed in every way. Jesus gave us instructions to what we must do after we have experienced His love, grace and healing. He tells us to...
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Loss of our children – A mother’s heart

Loss of our children to societies traps is becoming a regular occurrence.  Whether it is drugs, alchohol, sex, identity or turning from their Christ.  The enemy is setting traps for our children and we need to make sure that they are spiritually grounded and armed with the full armor of...
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Do You Want Power?

Do You Want Power?   Let’s face it, we all want power. If we only had power to make all of our troubles go away. Whatever we may be facing there is a power we can cling to for results. The power of God is above all power. He is...
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