Do you have the key?

A few nights ago, my daughter was coming up to stay with me. I asked her if she had a key. She said no, I told her it is always available, it is on the back porch in a lockbox.  However, you need the code to get the key. As...
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Thinking   I’m sure you have told someone that you are thinking about them. Have you ever thought that God thinks about you? He does all of the time.   ”…and Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order; if I would declare and speak of them,...
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Yielding full control to God

What if you were to yield full control to God?  What would happen? “He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.”  Psalms 1:3 “Teach me to do...
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So Many Promises

So Many Promises   When we put all of our trust in God, He has so many promises for us. We can never out give God. When we give Him our life, He blesses us abundantly.   “Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He will give you the desires...
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Are you striving to be successful?

Are you striving to be successful?  Charisma Magazine states that “God’s definition of success is contrary to the world’s definition. Corporate America measures success based on what you have done, what you have accomplished and what you have accumulated. It is based entirely on you focusing all your time, energy...
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A Broken Heart

A Broken Heart   Many things can break our heart; a lost love, disappointment in the actions of our children, betrayal, rejection, watching our loved one suffer, loss because of death, and much more. It is always comforting to have someone stand beside us and offer support when we have...
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Whose shoes do you have on?

My daughter and I have the same size foot, and occasionally she borrows my shoes and I hers. On one such occasion, I noticed that I was having trouble standing in the shoes I borrowed. I took them off, and to my surprise, the entire heal was gone. The Lord...
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What can Silence Lying Lips?

What can Silence Lying Lips?   Truth can silence lying lips. In the past I have seen someone mock God and in a matter of a few minutes, God showed His indisputable power. How can someone deny the truth when faced with a miracle?   Our enemy, Satan, is always...
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Whose shoes are you walking in?

My daughter and I have the same size foot, and occasionally she borrows my shoes and I hers. On one such occasion, I noticed that I was having trouble walking in the shoes I borrowed. I took them off, and to my surprise, the entire heal was gone. I realized...
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What is Lack of Courage?

What is Lack of Courage?   If we do not have courage, we usually have fear. So, how to we get rid of our fear? We call the exterminator. Squirt a little faith here and there and God will take away your fear.   “Be of good courage, and He...
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