Stay on the Path

I remember my dad telling me stories of having to walk five miles home from school each day. He was always afraid that the bears would come out of the woods. He said that He stayed on the path that was before him and did not wander off. As a...
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When God Answers our Prayers

When God Answers our Prayers   It is always exciting when we see God answer our prayers. It reinforces the knowledge of how much He loves us. And it builds our faith in His word that is full of His promises for us.   “O LORD my God, I cried...
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Heart of Fire

Where is your passion? Does it burn at the heart of fire? “…‘Surely the Lord our God has shown us His glory and His greatness, and we have heard His voice from the midst of the fire. We have seen this day that God speaks with man; yet he still...
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Where Can We Put Our Trust?

Where Can We Put Our Trust?   Not everyone has wonderful parents. Some children live in very abusive situations and cannot trust those who should be the ones who can provide protection and basic needs.   There is always One who we can trust. God is trustworthy and when we...
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Why is my prayer not answered?

  “I have been praying and praying, but I don’t see a change.” I heard this from a friend who has stage 4 Cancer. God wants to answer our prayers. “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son....
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Is It Hard for You to Wait?

Is It Hard for You to Wait?   I know it is hard for me to be patient when I am waiting in a line and for some reason the wait becomes very long. Now, it may be only five minutes, but because it is longer than I expected, I...
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I want space, what can I do?

Some people when they grieve want solitude. They choose to grieve alone. We must respect the person that is grieving. However, if you notice the person is disconnecting completely, then it might be time to reach out to them. “And let us consider one another in order to stir up...
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It’s Not Complicated

It’s Not Complicated   In the middle of hard circumstances we may feel at a loss to know what to do. Our first instinct is to rely on our own resources. But, I have found my resources are limited. When I stop and remember that God is all powerful and...
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How to overcome sadness after a loss?

  A loss can bring on a variety of emotions and one of them can be sadness.  David expressed his grief and sadness to the Lord through out the Psalms. “How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will...
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Shopping for a Husband

Shopping for a Husband   As I pondered on the many relationships that a friend of mine has had, it made me wonder why some people seem to choose the wrong partner. There are many variables to answer this question, but one thing came to mind.   When a godly...
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