Have you asked?

Before I went into ministry I worked on an aircraft program. Every year I would meet with my team to hash out the requirements for the coming Fiscal year.   I noticed that all the equipment that resided in one compartment bay was having more issues than all the other equipment...
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Where is Hope?

Where is Hope?   Sometimes our circumstances seem hopeless. We can call on the old cliché “Keep looking up.” And if we look up maybe we will not be “down in the dumps”. If we really think about it, hope is a step towards faith. Faith is, knowing something is...
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Qualities of Friendship

Have you ever wondered what qualities make a good friend. Could they be loyalty, unconditional love, selflessness, honoring or trustworthiness? As I was pondering these qualities, I realized that my dog that died was a true friend, a buddy. God gives us what we need and desire to bring us...
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A New Beginning

When we experience trauma, the thoughts keep rolling over and over in our minds. At some point we need to move forward; we need to have new thoughts. The trauma may have been our fault and we cannot forgive ourselves. But, God is always faithful to forgive us when we...
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What are you wearing to church?

Adam and Eve when they sinned realized (first knowledge) that they were naked, stripped without covering.  God was their covering. Have you considered what you are wearing?   We can put on shame, guilt, self-pity, hopelessness and many other clothes that are not edifying to God. The good news is...
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No Respect for Children?

In our society there seems to be a loss of respect for children. I remember talking to a woman many years ago who was very angry because people were having children. She had children of her own, but they were adults and as I recall they did not have children....
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Accept you are the beloved

  Are you struggling with identity loss?  Others words can sometimes tear us down.   We can believe the lies.  As an adolescent, I did not feel accepted.   The way I saw myself became distorted.  God wants us to see ourselves through His eyes, the eyes of the one who...
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Self Help

There are so many self-help books lining the shelves at any bookstore. They can be found on any subject that we need to address. My prerequisite for a self-help book is that there are more quotations from the Bible than the original text of the author. Or that the text...
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Out of Balance

She mounted the 4” beam and was set to do her first maneuver. “She disappeared,” I said out loud as I was video recording the event. It was the easiest part of her routine, and she fell off the beam. Some days we feel more in balance with the Lord...
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How Do We Find Peace?

We all want peace in our life; at home, in our workplace, our community and in the world. But the reality is there can be no peace without true righteousness. True righteousness stems from love, and love comes from God. So, we can conclude that we need God in our...
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