No Joke

I used to think that Christians were stuffy and had no fun. This is no joke. Then I became one and the enemy was right there telling me you don’t want to be part of this kingdom. It is funny how the serpent of old twists the truth. The package...
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What are We Going to Do?

I asked the question, “What am I going to do?” when my husband passed away unexpectedly and I had a part-time job. I knew the Lord would take care of me, because He had taken care of me in the past when I was in dire need. Suddenly, provisions came...
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During a gymnastics meet, my daughter straddled the beam. I saw that she was in great pain. She was on the clock. There was a decision that had to be made, would she curl up in pain or press on and finish. I saw that day my daughters character, a...
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Who is Our Goliath?

Who is Our Goliath?   We meet people or have circumstances in our lives that seem too large to handle. We see that David was not afraid of the nine foot giant he encountered. Why wasn’t he afraid? Can you imagine how big a person nine feet tall really is?...
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Have you been labeled, marked?

Have you been labeled dyslexic, short, heavy, lazy, odd, old, strange, radical, stupid, or non-conforming? God’s word is very clear on what He says about you and how we should respond.  “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul...
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 Growing   As I face trouble and trauma in my life, I need to know where to run for safety. And once I arrive in that safe place, I need healing. Healing means I need to change from being afraid to having a sense of security. This can only come...
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Who are you hanging onto?

When my children were five and six, I walked into the living room, and they were climbing the wall unit. They had worked together to climb the furniture that went to the ceiling.  Unfortunately, my oldest child decided to get up and walk away.  She left my youngest child hanging....
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Loss of Unity

Loss of Unity   We live in a time where there is much division about ideas, which include religions, education, child rearing, and the food we eat. But, when we look in the book of Acts, when the church was waiting as Jesus instructed them, they were in “one accord.”...
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How much do you love…

How much do you love your car, house, dishes, TV shows, or clothes? Have you ever considered that they might be idols? “Then it shall be, if you by any means forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you...
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God is Good

God is Good   At times I reminisce of all that God has done for me. When I was in need, He supplied everything. He not only gave me what I needed, but gave it in abundance. These things were not only material, but he supplied my spiritual needs, emotional...
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