Answered Prayer

My prayers have been answered. Now what? You may have read many devotionals on how to get your prayers answered. However, what you do when your prayer is answered is critical. “When you have eaten your fill, be sure to praise the Lord your God for the good land he...
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That Black Night

That Black Night   As the phone rang in the wee hours of the morning, I heard my mother tell me that my nephew had been killed in a car accident. My nephew was only 20 years old and five weeks older than my son. I was in a state...
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Why am I suffering?

Why am I suffering? You may be asking God this question. This may not be what you anticipated. You may have been walking on what appeared to be a clear path. However, if we remember God’s word when He says, “…obey all the commands I am giving you today. ..”...
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Loss of Support

Loss of Support   As we look to Jesus for our guide and comfort in a world that does not believe in His existence; it can feel lonely at times. Elijah was depressed because he thought he was the only prophet left that trusted God, and he was running for...
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I can’t work

“I can’t work.”  I heard these words from a man sitting on a bench that I passed every day.   On this particular day, the Lord asked me to stop and pray.  I asked him why he could not work and he explained that he has Grand Mal Seizures and...
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Distress Signal

Distress Signal   When we have car trouble or are lost in the woods we often send a distress signal. Sometimes this can be a flare that is lit to show our location or prevent us from a traffic accident.   Where do we send a distress signal when we...
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What are you hiding?

What are you hiding, covering up because you are afraid to face the circumstances?  Could it be emotions such as shame, guilt, fear or anger? “So they hid from the Lord God among the trees.” Gen 3:12.  Out of fear and shame, Adam and Eve hid. However,  “Nothing in all...
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Facing Rejection

Facing Rejection   As a young child I didn’t excel in sports. When it came time to choose sides for a team, I was usually chosen last or next to the last. Later in life I realized I was only inexperienced, not inept. But, the rejection had already taken its...
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What roots are you growing?

As I was thinking about what to cook for dinner, my thoughts drifted to turnips.  The turnip is a root vegetable.  Small, tender varieties are grown for human consumption.    Occasionally we can be growing roots in our life, but they are not meant for human consumption.   For example the...
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How Can We Live?

How Can We Live?   Sometimes life can seem like we are on a wheel; going from day to day, week to week, and year to year. Our life seems to vanish in our daily tasks. It makes me think of Jesus’ words when He said, “For whoever desires to...
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