What type of wound do you have?

There are several types of wounds.   I remember as a child occasionally getting hurt while playing outside.   I would run home to mom for patching.  Some of the wounds were scratches that needed just a hug and band-aid; others required medical attention; and, others ran so deep that they were not seen.   Neither Mom...
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Word Ammunition

Word Ammunition   I am sure you have heard many things about the words we speak, such as: be careful what you say because you can’t take it back, or “death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). As a small child I remember many of...
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Are you listening?

  Are you listening?  Occasionally I would hear my mom say this as a child. My mind would wander and others things seemed to be more interesting than getting my marching orders for the day. Today I see the importance of listening. It could be the difference between life and...
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What is the Meaning of Nothing?

What is the Meaning of Nothing?   Nothing is the lack of something. As I look at the verse in Luke 1:37, (”For with God nothing will be impossible”), it makes me contemplate the real significance of nothing. Do I really believe nothing is impossible, or just most things? What...
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  As the captain of a neighborhood ball game, I had to select kids to be on my team. We alternated on selection.  I struggled when I picked my team. Do I choose the kid that nobody wants or do I want to win?   My definition of “win” was very...
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Who Hears Your Cry?

Who Hears Your Cry?   I have been blessed all of my life with good sleep. The only time I was awakened was when my children were babies and their cry would easily shake me out of sleep. But, my ear was open to their cry.   In the very...
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Rape, a four letter word

  “Don’t force me! Such a thing should not be done…! Don’t do this wicked thing. What about me? Where could I get rid of my disgrace? … But he refused to listen to her, and since he was stronger than she, he raped her.” 2 Samuel 13:12-14 Rape is...
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How Hard is it to Wait?

How Hard is it to Wait?   I find waiting to be very difficult. It means I have to rely on someone else and lose control of the situation. It means I have to be patient, and at times I have no idea how long I will have to wait....
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Does anyone hear my prayers?

You may be asking and asking for a prayer to be answered and you hear nothing.   God is silent. You may not hear the answer right now. But be reassured “the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of...
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Healing From Sickness

Healing From Sickness   We see so many examples of Jesus healing people when we read the Bible. There was the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years who just wanted to touch His clothes, the blind man yelling from the side of the road as Jesus passed...
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