Inner healing

Many suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and are told there is no cure.  The truth is that God changes the past by changing your reality of it.  Exposing the truth, and healing the deep inner layers. “Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, And in the hidden part...
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Is It Catchy?

Is It Catchy?   As I was trimming my rose bushes today, I noticed that there is a disease of spots on the stems. I needed to wash my clippers before I went to the next bush. In past years I didn’t know that and I spread the disease from...
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The Red Zone

When you get into the red zone, the other team is going to double team you.  The red zone is an area of threat.  The other team knows that there is a possibility that you are going to score.   As a Christian, the enemy is constantly watching to see...
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Does Life Seem Too Heavy?

Does Life Seem Too Heavy?   At times life’s circumstances can seem like we are carrying a hundred pound weight. There is sickness, disease, death, violence and unfaithfulness. What can we do to lighten the load?   As I write this, I ask God, “What do You want me to...
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Silence is not always golden

Silence is not alway golden. Suppressing the voice of that has been abused causes distortion. Abuse may be continually stuffed down. There is only so much a container can hold before it cannot suppress the anguish. One day it will break. Unfortunately, the damage has been done. Suppression distorts thinking patterns,...
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In What Country are You a Citizen?

In What Country are You a Citizen?   Being a citizen of a country, we are asked to defend our country; usually by volunteering in the army or being drafted. Any time we are defending ourselves, we must know the enemy.   There are only two kingdoms that are important;...
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When the loss is so unspeakable

When the loss is so unspeakable, it feels shattering,   As if a mirror dropped, the pieces are everywhere.  Where to start?   Reflection is gone, and then the question comes, do I want to see reality? Many bury their loss and don’t speak of it. Occasionally the broken pieces...
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Do You Believe in Gravity?

Do You Believe in Gravity?   God has designed physical laws for us so we can predict whether something will go up or down. This can be a source of protection when we see something falling.   God has created spiritual laws as well. These laws keep our hearts from...
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The cabin

  The silence I sought by coming to the cabin was a scratch of what I truly was seeking.   I was seeking truth….  Sometimes it is only in the silence we can hear the truth.  His word’s echoed in my heart, “What do you want me to do for...
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How Smart is Your Phone?

How Smart is Your Phone?   I use my phone so many times when I want a definition of a word or the weather forecast. But when I am looking for answers to life’s questions, I don’t go to my smart phone. Everyone has an opinion. But there is only...
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