Darkness resided over him

He was in the shadows.  Darkness resided over him.  He committed sin.  Many of you have been in similar circumstances.  Unspeakable things may have happened to you.  If you believe your life is over or has been destroyed by the event, Jesus is here to tell you different.  Listen to His...
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God Believes in Recycling

God Believes in Recycling   When it comes to relationship, God doesn’t believe in throwing things away. He is in the recycling business of restoring broken marriages, broken family relationships and broken lives. He takes us and makes us new again. He gives us a new mind, a new life...
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The fire drill

  I am sure you have all been involved in a fire drill.   Well, I thought those days were over.  Yet, the Lord gave me one the other day. The power went out in my house; it was 13 degrees outside and 5 inches of snow on the ground....
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Packing My Bags

Packing My Bags   Because I travel quite often, I keep staples in my suitcase. These include a toothbrush, toothpaste and other toiletries. I also include extra clothes as I have forgotten to pack for an entire day in the past. I also have plastic bags to remind me to...
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Loss of Sleep?

  Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you missing out on your sweet dreams?  One-third of Americans have sleep issues. God’s word says that “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.” Proverbs 3:24 The Bible also says...
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Fishing   A serious fisherman uses different types of lures for a specific fish. When we experience life, for what are we specifically searching? Most of us want love, security, safety, and peace. If this is what we are looking for, we have to ask ourselves, what are we using...
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My love…

  Every year around this time I find a card my husband gave me for Valentines Day; I know this is from the Lord to heal my heart.  This year I decided to write a card, I know that one day I will give it to my love… I give...
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Hearing Aides

Hearing Aides   When we think of someone needing a hearing aide, we generally think of physical hearing; but what about spiritual hearing? There are two realms in the spiritual world: the realm of the Holy Spirit and the realm of demonic spirits. When we use our hearing aide, to...
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If only….

We often say “If only” when we have regrets or long for what could have been. God uses these words… ” if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from...
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When All Seems to Fail

When All Seems to Fail   I know people who have prayed for their loved ones to be healed of a deadly sickness and they died anyway. They may feel guilty because they feel they did not have enough faith or others may imply the same.   Let’s look at...
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