What is consuming you?

God Your love knows no bounds.   I am wrapped in your heart; as a child coddled to her mother’s bosom.  You alone are my love. The knowledge of God’s love for us surpasses all understanding.  Loss can have a profound impact on our life.  As a result, we can...
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How Do You View God?

How Do You View God?   When I was young I assumed that everyone viewed God the same. But as I became aware of so many views of God, it seems to me many views are based on personal experience with authority figures.   God is a just and loving...
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The mystery is in the heart

The Lord said to me one day, “The Mysteries of Me are in My heart. Look to My heart to see what you can’t see. Within your heart are layers of hurt and love. When the layers of hurt become bigger than the layers of love, the heart grows cold....
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Peace in One Corner?

Peace in One Corner?   Peace is one thing I think everyone desires. We do not desire to have chaotic lives. But in order to have peace, we need to address every area of our lives. We are made up of soul, body and spirit. Our soul is our mind...
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Is it the truth or a lie?

A traumatic loss can cause a person to disassociate, have memory issues, fear, or doublethink.  You may not be able to discern what is a lie and what is the truth.  But God can; ask Him to show you the truth. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for...
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Answered Prayer

Answered Prayer   Do you pray and it seems that God does not hear you? We tend to have a picture of how God will answer, and when He will answer our prayers. He always answers, but sometimes the answer is no. If we expect to receive an answer right...
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Does life feel unbearable?

If you feel crushed like you are drowning, then you may be overwhelmed with sorrow.  Jesus was overwhelmed with sorrow.  He knows exactly how you feel.  You can go to him knowing he understands. Then He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch.” Mark 14:34

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What Kind of Sorrow Do You Have?

What Kind of Sorrow Do You Have?   There are two kinds of sorrow. We will call them, “Godly sorrow” and “worldly sorrow”. The question may arise, “Are you sorrowful for what you have done, or are you sorry you were caught?” Godly sorrow will bring a person to confession...
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Trauma shuts us up

Do you feel like you have a voice? Trauma shuts us up. We need to articulate the fear. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

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Is it Possible for a Christian to be Oppressed?

Is it Possible for a Christian to be Oppressed?   First, we must realize that oppression does not come from God, but from the evil one; an evil spirit. And, oppression can come in many forms: sickness and disease (Luke 13:11), anxiety, curses on our finances, broken relationships, discouragement and...
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