Which is more reliable?

  You may have been let down time and time again. Your trust may be dwindling. Your family and friends may not live up to their promises; doctors are unable to heal; your job may provide no growth, satisfaction or financial stability. No matter, you must decide what you are...
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Do You Need Rest?

Do You Need Rest?   When we run from place to place trying to finish all of our errands and the list is unending, many times we feel like there is no time for rest. I personally have found that I consciously have to limit commitments in my life to...
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Do you believe in angels?

Do you believe in angels?   Let me tell you what happened to me.   I was in intercessory prayer at church .   One of the women in our prayer group brought her daughter in who was very sick (the doctors could not heal her).   While we were...
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I Didn’t Know It Would be Like This

I Didn’t Know It Would be Like This   I recently was talking to a widow and she expressed the thought, “I didn’t know it would be like this. When will I stop crying?” Unless we have experienced the loss of a loved one who was part of our everyday...
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Is your house cleaned up for the party?

My husband and I both worked outside the house and keeping a clean house was difficult. However, whenever we had a Christmas party, our house became spotless. Jesus is coming soon! Mark 13:26 says, “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and...
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Loss of Income

Loss of Income   There are many reasons that one may lose their income. When a spouse passes away, an income change can be drastic. But when we trust in and commit our lives to the LORD, He takes care of our needs.   “But seek ye first the kingdom...
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Memories on the branches

Memories on the branches My family was faced with having to throw away memories this year. It was a loss I did not expect. We found black mold in our garage. The ornaments my children made for me when they were in elementary school had to be thrown away. Loss...
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A Little Knowledge Can Be Dangerous

A Little Knowledge Can Be Dangerous   My friend’s coworker made cookies for the office. As people were enjoying the cookies they noticed there was something really crunchy about them. After investigating, it appeared that the coworker had little knowledge of baking. She had purchased a mix for the cookies...
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How do you live a life of holiness?

How do you live a life of holiness when you have a loss? Do you feel tempted on all fronts, weak and finding it hard to endure? You are not alone, so did Jesus. Living a life of holiness requires a commitment to surrender even when there are so many...
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Rain, Rain Go Away

Rain, Rain Go Away   When I was a young girl I would sing a song with the lyrics, “Rain, rain, go away, come back some other day.” Now as an adult I realize the importance of rain. Nothing grows without rain.   When we experience rain in our life,...
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