Do you leak?

During times of great hardship, you may find that you need infilling. The Lord is willing to accommodate. He understands. Lord, I am seeking a deeper relationship with you. I want to be filled with the Spirit. Lead me and empower me, Lord. I pray “that He would grant you,...
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Truth Addressed

Truth Addressed   In our society the word “truth” has taken on a political viewpoint. When I was in school, and had a test that was T or F, for true or false, there was only one answer. If I told my teacher that it was my truth even if...
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Wall of separation

Abuse, rape, molestation and traumatic events may result in a wall of separation being formed.  The holy spirit can take this wall down and heal inner hurts.  You can receive this blessing by releasing the pain to God. In You, O Lord, I put my trust; Let me never be put to...
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Disenchanted with God?

Disenchanted with God?   There are people who believed in God at one time and then became disenchanted. One possibility is the fact that when we pray and do not get the exact results that we expect, then we come to the conclusion that God doesn’t care or worse, He...
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Taking an oath

Our service men and women take an oath when they enter into the military… “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. That...
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Reflection Brings Understanding

Reflection Brings Understanding   As I ponder four years ago and it was the last day of our honeymoon; my new husband and I had our whole future ahead of us. That day, December 7, I had no idea my dear husband would pass on to eternity seven months later...
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What is your spiritual state?

What is your spiritual state?  When your will gets out of order, your illuminated intellect will reveal and resent it.   The opposite of resentment is calmness, happiness, kindness…  Do you see this in your life?  If not, examine your relationship with God. But your iniquities have separated you from...
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Joy–Where Do I Find It?

Joy-Where Do I Find It?   Everyone wants to be happy. But, joy is something deeper. Happiness can at times be superficial, but joy can be sustaining even in difficult times. So, what is the secret to finding joy?   Jesus said if we keep his commandments we will abide...
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Do you believe?

What you believe can change your circumstances.    To believe is the verb form of faith.  The definition of faith is being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it (Hebrews 11:1).  So in that sense, the word...
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Why is God’s Word Important?

Why is God’s Word Important?   We live in a post-Christian era. Many people do not see any relevance to God’s word. Just because we choose to not believe something, does not make it untrue. And, in God’s word there are some serious statements. We will be judged by the...
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