Are you a victim?

Crimes have been committed against many of you.  How do you handle it? God’s word says, “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.”  1 Peter 3:9 NIV    

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What Are You Expecting?

What Are You Expecting?   We all have unanswered questions about life; why things happen to us or why were we born in the country of our origin. There is only One who can answer those questions. If we ask God, He will answer. He says in Matthew 7:8 states,...
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Highway to Holiness

Road biking can be a dangerous sport. I used to ride for long distances in southern Maryland.  The roads were  relatively flat with a broad shoulder. I am now living in the mountains, with little to no shoulder to ride on and you can inadvertently fall off the road and...
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Antidote for Fear

Antidote for Fear   When we fall in love, we trust that person completely. We are not afraid that they will harm us in any way. So, we can say, the antidote for fear is LOVE.   “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because...
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He cares

If you are dealing with a financial burden as a result of a loss,  when something breaks in your house this can add additonal stress. I realized this each time I emptied the dishes out of my dishwasher.  I had to inspect each item to assure it was clean. The dishwasher...
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Looking for Light?

Looking for Light?   Sometimes we may experience a dark place in our lives and it seems like we are in a downward spiral, with no return. How can we get back to the light; the feeling of well being and peace?   We can surround ourselves with positive people,...
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Should I get a pet?

Many people recommend that you get a pet to fill your loneliness after a loss. My friend followed this advice. She decided to get a dog. The people that she had bought the dog off recommended that she keep the leash on while the dog was in the house for...
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How Hard is it to Believe?

How Hard is it to Believe?   As I listen to TV news and then listen to alternative news, there are two different stories; so, which one should I believe? Each of the reports says their stories are backed up with facts. Then I wonder which facts are true.  ...
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The snake Line

I recently bought a house in West Virginia. I thought the house was above the snake line. Most snakes can’t live above 7000 ft. Within the first three weeks of moving into the property, I was dealing with physical and spiritual snakes.  I prayed, and they fled. Living above the...
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Distance Grief

Distance Grief   As we celebrate the coming holidays in the west, Thanksgiving and Christmas, there are many who live in countries far away and are not with their families at this time. Many have made sacrifices to be so far away from home for many different reasons.   At...
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