God’s Love; who can understand it

  The Bible says, “May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully…” Eph 3:19 As you are going through your loss, remember God is refining you for His purpose, “See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in...
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Do You Know You are Special?

Do You Know You are Special?   When God created man, He made us special, with body, soul and spirit. He gave us a mind so we can reason and make choices in our life. We are so special that Jesus gave His life on the cross to break the...
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How do you see?

I have a double dapple Dachshund.  The Dachshund Club of America recommends not breeding this pattern due to health issues; specifically blindness and deafness. I prayed over my dog several times to be able to hear when she was a puppy. I know God answered my prayer, she hears when...
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Circumstances   There are times in life when our circumstances may seem overwhelming; the car breaks down, relationships go sour, our loved one dies, etc. But, we don’t have to live under our circumstances. We can give them to God. He is the only one who can change things.  ...
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It rained that day

I recall that day with Joy. Twenty-nine years ago in a small town with a name that sounded out of this world, Zelienople; I was married to the love of my life. It rained that day as it is today. At the time, I thought “oh no is the rain...
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Too Many “Firsts”

Too Many “Firsts”   I was thinking as I was cutting the grass today, the first time I cut the grass after my husband passed away was a year later. I had a hard time getting on the mower as I remembered him with me, showing me how to use...
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Being good…

My family loved each other. We were taught never to hate, not judge, to love and help out our neighbor and believe in God. We thought by being moral and working hard you would get to heaven. But there seemed to be always something missing…. What we didn’t know was...
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Can You See in the Dark?

Can You See in the Dark?   Last night just as I turned out my light, I remembered I needed to make my room cooler so I could sleep. I didn’t turn on the light, but put my hands in front of me to keep from running into the door....
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The good old days

“The good old days,” I ponder this phrase as I reminisce of times past with my husband. The Bible says, “Do not say, “Why were the former days better than these?” For you do not inquire wisely concerning this.” Eccl 7:10 NKJV And then I think…. “Better is one day...
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Have You ever wanted to Hide?

Have You ever wanted to Hide?   When burdens are so heavy, sometimes we just want to hide. Some choose to hide under the covers and stay in bed. Some hide in alcohol, drugs, and other addictions. Most of the places we select do not help our circumstances.   But...
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