Do you know He loves you?

There are so many Christians that I talk to that say, “God could not possibly love me.” They are discouraged and feel not worthy.   I want to say, “WRONG! Stop right there.”   Do you know that God chose you? You didn’t choose Him. It was by grace you were saved....
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A Bitter Pill?

A Bitter Pill?   I’m not sure if you have ever heard of the phrase, “a bitter pill.” It implies that the pill is taken for healing but it tastes bitter as it goes down. We can find a similar scripture in Psalms: “It is good for me that I...
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Moved with compassion

I was standing amongst some family members at a reunion for my husband who passed three years ago and all of a sudden I could feel all of my relatives emotions. I was moved with compassion. When we grieve, we all grieve differently. I asked God to give me a...
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How Can We Bring Glory to God?

How Can We Bring Glory to God?   When we are struggling through life with our daily responsibilities, we can wonder how we can glorify God. He wants to be glorified through us, but with our burdens and heaviness, how can we do it?   “If you abide in Me,...
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Another Year

  It is another anniversary without my husband.   We so often grieve what could have been; for me 29 years of marriage. The memories of that day are so cherished. I look back now and see how blessed I was.   I remember the day that my husband proposed to...
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Do You Think Submission is a Bad Word?

Do You Think Submission is a Bad Word?     When we are discouraged and just downright depressed, there is hope. But many of us do not really want to proceed with a cure that suggests submission and humility. It reminds us that getting financial freedom takes a budget, or...
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There will be questions

The questions appeared to be never ending. I couldn’t even go to the grocery store without running into someone that asked how are you doing, how are the kids, is there an investigation? My answers became canned. I didn’t think they wanted to hear the truth. The truth was, I...
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Does Helping Help?

Does Helping Help?   When we go through hard times and difficulties it is hard to look outward because our pain is so great we can only concentrate on ourselves. But, we can look to Jesus as an example when He was on the cross and He looked down and...
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The hummingbird

Have you ever noticed some distractions when you are trying to pray? I was on the phone the other day with my prayer partner, and she asked me what my prayer needs were. I clearly stated what I needed prayer for, and I had to repeat myself four more times....
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