
At times in your grief, you may feel you want to be alone. That is fine and good. However, if you find that the isolation is becoming a norm, and you are having a hard time being around people, then you need to take another look at your grieving. The...
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Tattoos in the Bible?

Tattoos in the Bible?   God always mentions things in His word that are important to Him. He addresses the making of tattoos. He cautions us in our grieving process and tells us we should not get a tattoo.   “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for...
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Loss of innocence

Loss of innocence Whether you have a loss  due to rape, sexual molestation, pornography, or sexual harassment; the heart and mind are impacted.   When our mind and heart become distorted, we cannot align with God and a barrier is created. God can provide a clean heart and a renewed...
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Do You Always Accept a Free Gift?

Do You Always Accept a Free Gift?   When we hear we have a free gift waiting for us to claim, our response is usually one of suspicion. We know the common phrase, “Nothing is free!” As a pleasant surprise I went to the pharmacy for my mom. She had...
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As I wake up

The toughest time of the day is the morning for me.  As I wake up, the light provides the realization,  that I am spending another day without my husband.  However, as my walk with the Lord grows, God has become my husband.  My mornings are consumed with connecting with my love, the...
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What is Truth?

What is Truth?   I woke up this morning from a dream where God was talking to me. He said when people turn away from the truth they invent their own truth to suit their desires. Eventually the lies they believe become their truth.   We see in our world...
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Do you have the right suit on?

  Are you feeling hopeless and everything appears to be a big issue?  And you can’t find the energy to deal with the day to day tasks. Maybe you need a new suit. “But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and...
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Are Roots Important?

Are Roots Important?   Roots are important if we are trying to grow something beautiful. But when I weed my garden, roots can be a nuisance. In the 13th chapter of Matthew Jesus tells a parable of the sower.   “And as he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside,...
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This message may sound harsh

This message may sound harsh. It is out of love I write it. In the past month, I have met two people that lost friends that were not Christians. The loss was final. Their friends heard the message of salvation, but they waited to make a decision. Make no mistake;...
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Watch Out!!

Watch Out!!   As I was raking a large rock garden my late husband had designed, I found a deadly snake early on in the process. I was happy to see it was only five or six inches long, but it made me cautious as I raked the layers of...
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