Physician Assisted Suicide

Physician Assisted Suicide According to several studies, more than half of the oncologist polled have received requests from a patient wanting to end their life. If you are considering a physician-assisted suicide, as a result of a diagnosis, consult with God the Master Physician first. He gave His son, “who...
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The Best Insurance

The Best Insurance   Last week I had to sign up for extra health insurance that comes along with Medicare. I found out the best insurance I can have in depending on God to take care of me. It isn’t free because it cost Jesus His blood. He was beaten,...
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Today my daughters and I will be sitting in court before a judge. The judge will determine if workman’s compensation will be awarded for the wrongful death of my husband. My heart is torn. What do I pray? God brought to mind I should pray for His will. When Jesus had finished...
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Nighttime is the Hardest

Nighttime is the Hardest   Before my husband passed away, we would always read the Bible together, have devotions and pray for our children and extended family. I miss him the most before I go to bed because he is not there to pray and read with me. I think...
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The Locust Song

  The locusts are out… As I sat on my back deck listening to the locust sing;  joyful times as a child searching and catching locusts came to mind. I received a call that day while sitting on the porch. I had the person on speaker. She said what is...
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How Close Can We Get to God?

How Close Can We Get to God?   Right before I woke up this morning, the Lord came to me in a dream and said, “I am closer than your heart.” I woke up and thought, “Wow! How can God be closer to me than my heart?” It was reassuring...
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Self Propelled

Last week I purchased a new fancy mower with all the gadgets to mow the hills on my property. The clerk at the hardware store said you want a self-propelled mower. Not knowing too much about mowers, I went with the recommendation. I took it out for a push in...
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Faith or Positive Thinking?

Faith or Positive Thinking?   Is there a difference between faith and positive thinking? Philippians 4:8 tells us to think on positive things. But in Hebrews 11:1, we see that faith is hoping for things we cannot see. People have faith in something. It may not always be positive. For...
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Enter into His fullness

When my husband was alive, he was on average about thirty pounds overweight, and I was continuously telling him he needed to get into shape.  I would hear the same response every time.  “Round is a shape.”   I think back on these conversations and laugh. If an item is...
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Do We Have a Choice?

Do We Have a Choice?   I was waiting in line when a 7 year old boy was asking his dad if they had a choice. The wise father said, “We always have a choice, but there are consequences for our choices.” I couldn’t hear what the child was asking...
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