One with Him

  Is your heart one with the Lord? “But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” 1 Corinthians 6:17 Your heart may feel like it is far from the Lord right now.  Take comfort in knowing that He understands. However, we cannot be joined if...
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How Long is Forever?

How Long is Forever?   Can we comprehend the concept of “forever”? Everything we know has a beginning and an end. This makes it difficult for our minds to imagine God not having a beginning and an end.   When we put our trust in only God, and compare the...
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My Stronghold is stronger

My daughters and mom all get their nails done every other week. They fret when one breaks. They tend to reach for the superglue to prevent further tearing. Many reach for the superglue (anything outside of God’s word) when they are experiencing a loss trying to piece together their life....
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Looking Back

Looking Back   Many times in our grief we feel like we are not making progress. I laugh when I think of the statement I made when I first started Grief Share. I declared, “I am here to find out the tools I need to fix this grief so I...
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Was she socking it to me?

  It all started with a pair of socks. As I was sitting at my kitchen table eating breakfast, my puppy came strutting into the kitchen with a pair of socks in her mouth. She pounced on her bed and dropped them. She looked over at me to see what...
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Loss of Emotional Support

Loss of Emotional Support   At times in our life, as we stand on the word of God as truth, we can be challenged by others around us who do not hold the same view. I was told by someone dear to me who believes in the Bible, and the...
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The lie, they are all for sale

When my husband and I move to Maryland, we went shopping for a boat. We lived on the water and to be land-locked, was unthinkable. We went to the closest marina and asked the owner if he had any boats for sale. He said they are all for sale, you...
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I Am Old; Who Cares?

I Am Old; Who Cares?   In Western society, the aging are more or less discarded. When we live in a “throw away” society our elderly are considered “out of date” and need to be replaced with a more up to date, more productive version. This is mirrored in the...
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The many faces of grief

What does grief look like to you? Have you visualized a face behind your emotion? Maybe the face reflects anger, remorse, peace, unbelief, thankfullness, hopelessness, agony, fear, hope, shock, lonliness, bitterness, or joy? These are emotions that could weigh you down or lift you up. It all depends on the...
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How Do We know?   Have you ever been in a situation where something terrible happened to you and you blamed God for not being there? God is always with us. If we become bitter because we do not understand the entire event or trauma we experienced, we just need...
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