
Have you ever fallen as a child and scuffed your knee or elbow and someone has said to you, “oh that is just a strawberry.”   What they are saying is just get back up, brush yourself off and forget the pain. Losing someone may look like a scuff or strawberry...
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I Need Someone Who Doesn’t Get Tired!

I Need Someone Who Doesn’t Get Tired!   Sometimes I wonder when a close friend asks me how I am and I answer with an honest, “Exhausted!” Are my friends hesitant to tell me they need my support at that moment?   As humans, we can get tired, and even...
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Coping with the news

    In the past several weeks there have been multiple shooting incidents and bombings around the world. If you have experienced a loved one who has died violently, the traumatic events may cause you to experience flashbacks, fear, anger, helplessness, etc..  Coping with the news and the violence can...
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What About Suicide?

What About Suicide?   When our loved one takes their own life, the grief we experience can present many more facets to address. There is the possibility of being blamed for your loved one’s death in addition to the rejection that may be felt because your loved one left.  ...
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Is it the truth?

After a loss, it is natural to want answers on how our loved one died. Discerning what the truth is can be difficult. When my husband passed away, there was an investigation into his death. I heard several possibilities on how he died, which resulted in a few family members...
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Are You Running from Grief?

Are You Running from Grief?     When my husband died the number one advice given to me was, “keep busy”. We can become so busy that we do not have time to grieve. We can pack our schedule with so many projects to avoid “thinking” about it; and the...
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Negative thought patterns

Negative thoughts may be bombarding you as you grieve. What you think with your mind changes your brain and can be detrimental to your physical and mental health. The Bible says, “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever...
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How are You Choosing to Grieve?

How are You Choosing to Grieve?   Pretending everything is fine and life goes on as usual in the early stages of grief is a prescription for disaster. Acknowledge your grief. Find at least one person who understands what you are experiencing, so you can express your honest feelings.  ...
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Promises, Promises…

You may have heard a lot of promises in your life and people have let you down. You may feel rejected, disappointed and unfulfilled. God’s promises are for keeps. There are thousands of promises you can claim. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training...
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Find a Rich Husband

Find a Rich Husband   When my husband passed away, I didn’t know how I would survive financially. Then I looked in God’s word. “For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is His name…” Isaiah 54:5a “…For your Father knows the things you have need of before...
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