The shield

  Being an early riser, that is before the sun rises; I occasionally see things others do not. Like the other morning, I looked out the window as I was getting my first cup of coffee and I could see bats flying around. Psalm 5:12 came to mind, “For You,...
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Remembering   When an anniversary of the loss of a loved one approaches, memories good and bad can come to mind. It seems to be a bittersweet time as the wonderful memories of the past can be so comforting, but at the same time can bring sadness as we are...
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Speed Bumps

I am one that could get whiplash from a speed bump. I try and obey the speed limits. However, I forget occasionally to monitor the signs around me. Satan puts out speed bumps to trip us up. We need to be alert to the devices of the enemy. Be sober,...
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It wasn’t a stroke of luck

  This was not a stroke of luck that I had a headache before going to bed.  It started off mild and by the time I got into bed it was a stabbing pain in the back part of my head. I kept praying, asking God to take the pain...
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Travel Preferences

Travel Preferences   People have different ideas about leisure travel. Some like to go and stop along the way and see different attractions, others like to point in the direction they are going and get there as soon as possible.   Grieving can have different travel patterns. We can relate...
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Does time heal all wounds?

  I am sure you have heard the adage that time heals all wounds.  However, when you are going through a loss, time appears to have stopped. God’s presence is not bound in time. “Am I a God near at hand,” says the Lord, “And not a God afar off?...
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A horrific or premature death

When someone we love dies of a horrific or premature death, death that causes horror or trauma, our minds tend to accuse God of injustice. However, scripture says otherwise, “For I proclaim the name of the Lord: Ascribe greatness to our God. He is the Rock; His work is perfect;...
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God is There as We Walk Through

God is There as We Walk Through   When we are in the middle of some most difficult circumstances in our life, God may not always deliver us, but He is always there with us. If you have had a tragedy in your life and you are not sure where...
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Set your mind

  When I lost my house to a fire, for months my thoughts were on what I lost. I did not concentrate on what was gained.   Yes, I lost all my possessions, family heirlooms, my dogs, and my house. What I was not concentrating on were my blessings. When I...
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