Poetic Justice

  It is in human nature to want to know what lies ahead. When a loss occurs (death, divorce, health, job, youth, etc.) uncertainty of what lies ahead can cause a variety of emotions to rise (anxiety, stress, uneasiness, hopeless, loneliness, fear…). As you are “working” through your loss, remember...
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Do We Learn from Our Mistakes?

Do We Learn from Our Mistakes?   I want only the word of God to speak in this devotional.   Psalm 119:67-68 NKJV “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word. You are good, and do good; teach me Your statutes.”   Psalm 119:71-72 “It...
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Your hand was there all along

  I look back on the events after my loss, and I see the Lord’s hand everywhere.   A couple of days after my husband died I went to the funeral home; lots of decisions were upon me. I chose to have cards made up with a picture of my husband...
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Who is to Blame?

Who is to Blame?   When we experience a loss, whether it is the death of a loved one, or a job, health or finances, our human nature tends to point fingers at God. We ask, “Why did You do this to me?”   If we trust God’s word to...
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The fixer

  Have you come in contact with a fixer?   If you are experiencing a loss, then most likely you have. A fixer is a person that arranges matters. It is in some people’s nature to try and fix you as if you have fallen and just need a bandaid....
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Do I Dare Follow?

Do I Dare Follow?   I was a pastor’s wife and teaching Sunday school, when I asked the Lord how I could go deeper in relationship with Him, as I had given Him my whole heart. What else was there to learn?   WOW! In the next year I found...
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Tip of the Iceberg

What is showing through while you grieve may be only the tip of the iceberg. Ninty percent of an iceberg is below the surface and out of sight. “while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things...
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Loss of the Beauty of Youth

Loss of the Beauty of Youth   Because of our preoccupation of always wanting to look young, we see plastic surgery to tuck those wrinkles as almost a necessity. But, we need to keep our priority on the One who really matters when it comes to beauty.   “Charm is...
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What are you carrying?

After a loss, you may be carrying an excess load. Some people describe their grief like carrying a load of bricks that keep weighing them down. The heaviness may become unbearable until you can’t move. Let your bricks fall. They will not build you a solid foundation. “Anyone who listens...
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Bucket List

Bucket List   In the West, we have a phrase when someone dies. We say, “He kicked the bucket.” So, the term “bucket list” came from a list people make of things they want to do or accomplish before they die.   The Lord has provided for me so that...
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