Are you drowning?

Does your grief feel like you are drowning? When the Titanic started to go down people in the life boats had to row away from the ship. The energy of the ship created a vacuum and pulled everything down with it. Negative thoughts can behave the same way; you have...
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God is our Protector

God is our Protector   We are told to put up our shield of faith in Ephesians 6. But, God is our shield. Do we trust Him?   “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.” Proverbs 30:5  NKJV

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When three grieve

  When you have a loss that affects several family members, the tendency may be to tip-toe around each other for fear of hurting the other person. Sharing becomes difficult, and avoidance may become the norm. Family dynamics are going to change which may create another loss. Patience, love and...
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Loss of Contact

Loss of Contact   When we are obedient to God’s word, trust Him and learn from His teaching, He blesses us. I was reading and discovered a verse that shows how god feels when we turn our backs on His instruction. We need to seek obedience to God, stay in...
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Feelings of Betrayal

  You may feel betrayed and angry if you have lost a child.   It is normal to feel this way. A parent is naturally supposed to die before a child. As a result, multiple losses may be present; loss of your child’s future, dreams, wedding, or grandchildren. Guilt and questions...
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Don’t Lose Hope

Don’t Lose Hope   When we refuse to lose hope, there is a blessing for us. It actually pleases God.   “The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy.”  Psalm 147:11  NKJV

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The Unspoken death

  A death by suicide can feel like you have been abandoned, shunned. Isolation may become a matter of course. It is important to express the loss. People may not understand, but Jesus does. When Jesus died on the cross he was separated from God. Jesus bore this abandonment so...
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Make Each Day Count

Make Each Day Count   The Bible tells us that our days are numbered, so we should be good stewards of our time and let God guide us to how we should spend our day. Our Western society has made busyness a badge of honor. Many of us walk around...
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Do you have the Right Insurance?

A loss of health may bring up concerns, fear on whether you have adequate insurance to cover the medical cost. Don’t ignore your insurer, Christ. Christ provides the ultimate insurance policy that He paid with His death and resurrection. “who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the...
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Loss of Finances or a Job

Loss of Finances or a Job   God blesses us when we continue in His will for our life. But, we need to be good stewards of our blessings and inheritance, using them for His honor and glory.   When we have a job loss or financial crisis, we know...
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