Controlled by Meds

  Prescription medicine can become addictive, control your life and the losses may be many (loss of family relationships, home, job, identity…). If you find you have an addiction to medicine and you are searching for your next medicine bottle. Look to God’s medicine bottle, Proverbs 4:20-22, “My son, give...
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What Will Tomorrow Bring?

What Will Tomorrow Bring?   When I was playing miniature golf with my newly wed husband at a family reunion, I didn’t know it would be the last time he would ever be able to speak a word to me.   We can always make plans for the future, but...
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Do you count the years?

  Do you count the years or months from your loved one’s death?   How old would they have been on that cherished birthday or how many years since your anniversary? The years appear to go by, yet, at times, it feels like it could be yesterday. “So teach us...
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Have You sent God a Text Lately?

Have You sent God a Text Lately?   Communication is the most important thing to maintain a relationship. In order to trust God, we need to talk to Him and read His word for more understanding.   Romans 10:17 states, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the...
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Deer in the headlights

  Do you feel like a deer in the headlights, stunned by your loss. A loss can stop you in your tracks, make you confused and wandering which direction to go. The Lord provides a clear path, “Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my...
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Roots   As I was weeding around my rose bushes this afternoon, I found as I pulled on a weed it would come up, but would have a root that continued horizontally twelve or more inches.   There are all kinds of roots; physical, emotional and spiritual. Jesus talked about...
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The Lord upholds those that seek Him

When a heart withstands tribulation, our Lord is glorified! He wants us to turn to Him in times of trouble, uncertainty and proclaim His goodness and power. This may be difficult to do when you are in the midst of a loss. Psalm 34:17 says, “The righteous cry out, and...
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What about Family?

What about Family?   I remember when my dad was dying. I was 35 years old and he had been bedridden for a year, suffering from Parkinson’s disease. That was a time when most people had never heard of Parkinson’s. He was at home with a weekly visit from a...
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He gave me so much more

What is not possible in our minds is not limited in His mind. When my husband was killed, I asked the Lord to lift up my family. What I was asking for in my limited mind was the Lord to carry our hearts during this time of loss. Not knowing...
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What’s the Difference?

What’s the Difference?   There is a difference in losing a spouse to death rather than through divorce. When someone is divorced they may have to defend their character, where it may not be an issue with a death, unless the person is accused of murdering their spouse.   Someone...
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